This is one of the older picture I have of Pangea from many, many summers ago... back when she was fit and looking very nice! This is the color she is in the summer:

Her father was the same way: dark bay in the winter, and reddish bay in the summer.
When I compare that picture to the pictures I took today, it looks pretty much like the same color to me.... so I guess this is just her dapple-y way of turning from winter colors to spring colors? I have no idea.
Literally from one week to the next, she has completely changed color!
She is looking gorgeous!!!
ReplyDeleteShe's SPIDERMARE! Does she sneak out to fight crime?
ReplyDeleteI love them! Gosh she looks simply beautiful, especially in that last shot, what a stunner. So shiny!
ReplyDeleteMaybe she's a closet Paint? Cash says that spots are cool, and he thinks she's gorgeous. ;)
ReplyDeleteBEAUTIFUL! Almost as spotted as mine ;) I've never had a dappley horse! It's so pretty!
ReplyDeleteThat is some sort of gorgeousness..I have total dapple envy! Laz had like 2 showing. TWO! lol.
ReplyDeleteThat is so unusual! I wonder if she will always shed out like that, or if your regime of improved nutrition is contributing. Either way, very cool!
ReplyDeleteI really like the dapples! Hope some of them stay through the summer! - and sorry to be a judgy internet downer - But you aren't tieing WITH the chain right? There must be some clip directly to the halter that we aren't seeing? Because you seem like the type that would know to never tie a horse by a stud chain....
ReplyDeleteThe dapples are gorgeous! =) She's just one fun surprise after another.
ReplyDeleteReally unusual color and pattern. Neato!
ReplyDeleteThat is most unusual, but very pretty. She looks great!
ReplyDeleteYup, Pony Club will be after me for tying this horse with a chain. I NEVER DO THAT, but I did in this occasion because she set back and broke a halter very deliberately a few weeks ago. She knows how to tie, so I was not about to let her get away with it again. Sure enough, she set back again yesterday, hit the chain, and went "oh." And stopped.
ReplyDeleteCome get me Pony Club!! Shame on me!
I drove by a farm today that I drive by all the time and was gazing at their horses as I always do and their normally bay was dappled just like that. I thought of you and Pangea since I have never seen anything like it before and then just so happens the neighbors horse has the same dappling thang. My guess is it will disappear just as quickly as it came.
ReplyDeleteMy friend's mare did the exact same thing last summer! She was a little more patchy so we started calling her the tortoiseshell mare. It faded out as fast as it came and oddly enough she hasn't done the same thing this year.
ReplyDeleteShe looks so cute with her summer dapples. I've never seen anything like it!
ReplyDeleteOn a different note, I need some advice and I'd be grateful for any input. I am moving my horse from central Germany to Rhode Island this summer. Since the climate is so different and we will be living in a coastal area, is there anything I should/need to do in advance to prepare him? I want this big move to be as smooth as possible. Not sure where we will board yet, but I'll know more after my visit in May. Does anyone have words of wisdom for me? I'm a nervous mom! Thanks!
I've never seen colouring like that - interesting to see where she ends up for the summer! Either way, she looks nice and shiny!
ReplyDeleteDapples are perhaps one of my FAVORITE horsey things ever... and those are perhaps some of the finest dapples EVER. gorgeous girl!
ReplyDeleteMy guy is displaying very similar colouring this spring, although only on the shoulders and not nearly so dramatic and awesome as Pangea. The shine is making me long for it to be warm enough to bathe...
ReplyDeleteWow! Gorgeous!!